2010 - 2015 Chevy Camaro 6.2L Torque Specs

2010 Chevy Camaro Rear End Torque Specs

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Chevy Camaro 6.2L Repair Information

Chevy Camaro 6.2L Rear End Repair Information

Here you can find information regarding repairs to the Chevy Camaro rear end system. These repairs include the rear control arms installation, the rear swaybar information and bolt torque specs, the rear diff fluid change procedures, and the rear end watts system installation. All of these repairs and procedures include in depth details on how to perform the replacement and or repair. They also contain all the detailed torque specs needed for each bolt involved in the repair.

Rear Control Arms Installation

Chevy Camaro Rear Control Arms
The rear suspension of the Chevy Camaro consists of a solid trailing arm that connects to the rear vehicle frame and the rear wheel knuckle. There is a single bolt on each of these connecting points. The rear shock also bolts onto the rear lower control arm and the lower bolt will need to be removed in order to install a new arm. In order to remove the old rear control arm you will need to jack up the vehicle on the correct side. From here we can loosen up the rear shock lower bolt and remove it from the old arm. From here we can remove the 2 bolts which holds the control arm to the vehicle. Once both have been remove the old arm should be removable from the car. The new arm can then be installed in its place and the 2 fasteners can be hand tightened. The frame side rear control arm bolt can be torqued down to 75 ft-lbs. The wheel knuckle side can be tightened down to 30 ft-lbs and then a 120 degree turn. The rear lower shock bolt can also be tightened down to 59 ft-lbs and then a 120 degree turn. Be sure that you use new bolts wherever necessary.

Chevy Camaro Rear Control Arm Frame Side Torque Spec : 75 ft-lbs

Chevy Camaro Rear Control Arm Knuckle Side Torque Spec : 30 ft-lbs + 120°


Rear Wheel Hub Installation

Chevy Camaro Rear Wheel hub
The rear wheel hub on the Chevy Camaro gets installed much like the fron wheel hub except that it also contains a center axle nut which tightens into the rear cv axle shaft. In order to remove the old rear wheel hub you must jack up the vehicle on the proper side and then remove the rear braking system and the center axle nut. I recommend using an impact wrench for the center nut as it can be extremely tight. From here we can remove the 3 bolts which hold the rear wheel hub to the rear knuckle. These 3 bolts can be accessed from the back side of the knuckle and will be rather tight. Once you have the bolts removed you remove the old wheel hub from the vehicle and then clean up the corrosion if there is any. The new hub can then be put into the place of the old one and the 3 bolts can be hand tightened. Once all of the bolts have been installed you can torque them down to 85 ft-lbs. From here we can install the center axle nut and torque it down to 200 ft-lbs. Now the braking system can be reinstalled. When doing so the rear brake caliper bracket bolts are TTY and can only be used once. These bolts get tightened down to 30 ft-lbs and then a 90 degree turn. More info on this can be found in the brake section for this vehicle.

Chevy Camaro Rear Wheel Hub Bolts Torque Spec : 85 ft-lbs

Chevy Camaro Rear CV Axle Nut Torque Spec : 200 ft-lbs


Rear Differential Torque Specs

Chevy Camaro Rear swaybar
The camaro rear end ring gear bolts get tightened down to 95 ft-lbs. The rear carrier bearing caps can be tightened down to 80 ft-lbs. The differential drain plug should be tightened down to 20 ft-lbs. While the backing plate to the differential get tightened down to 30 ft-lbs.

Chevy Camaro Rear End Ring Gear Torque Specs : 95 ft-lbs

Chevy Camaro Rear Carrier Bearing Caps Torque Specs : 80 ft-lbs

Chevy Camaro Rear Differential Drain Plug Torque Specs : 20 ft-lbs

Chevy Camaro Rear Diff Backing Plate Torque Specs : 30 ft-lbs


Rear Strut Installation

Chevy Camaro Rear strut
To replace the rear struts on a Chevy Camaro you will need to remove two sets of bolts located at the bottom and top of the strut. Both of these fasteners can be accessed from underneath the vehicle by jacking it up and removing the wheel. To uninstall the old strut simply just remove both of the fasteners and the part will come out. There should be a single bolt which goes through the lower control arm for the lower part and then 4 bolts which tighten up into the vehicles frame on the upper section. When installing the new part simply reverse the procedure and hand tighten down all of the fasteners. Once in place you can torque down the upper strut bolts to 43 ft-lbs and the torque down the lower strut bolt to 59 ft-lbs and then an additional 120 degree turn. Be sure to use a new lower strut bolt as the old on is a TTY or Torque to Yield bolt and can only be used once.

Chevy Camaro Rear Strut Upper Bolts Torque Specs : 43 ft-lbs

Chevy Camaro Rear Strut Lower Bolt Torque Specs : 59 ft-lbs + 120°


Rear Stabilizer Bar Installation

Chevy Camaro rear swaybar
The rear stabilizer bar on the Chevy Camaro consists of a series of brackets that hold it to the frame of the vehicle and a couple of endlink nuts that fasten it the the outer side of the car. To remove the swaybar you will need to jack up the front of the vehicle and remove both the endlink nuts as well as the brackets. To install the new swaybar you will need to move it back into the place as the old one and torque the control arm sided nuts to 16 ft-lbs and then torque the frame bolts to 37 ft-lbs as well.

Chevy Camaro Rear Stabilizer to Arm Torque Spec : 16 ft-lbs

Chevy Camaro Rear Stabilizer to Frame Torque Spec : 37 ft-lbs


Rear Control Arms Torque Specs
Rear Control Arm Wheel Side Torque Spec 30 ft-lbs + 120°
Rear Control Arm Frame Side Torque Spec 75 ft-lbs
Rear Differential / Axle Torque Specs
Rear End Ring Gear with E-locker Torque Spec 95 ft-lbs
Rear Carrier Bearing Cap Torque Spec 80 ft-lbs
Rear Differential Drain Plug Torque Spec 20 ft-lbs
Rear Axle Backing Plate Torque Spec 30 ft-lbs
Rear Strut Torque Specs
Rear Strut Upper Bolts Torque Spec 43 ft-lbs
Rear Strut Lower Bolt Torque Spec 59 ft-lbs + 120°
Rear Stabilizer Bar Torque Specs
Rear Stabilizer Bar to Frame Torque Spec 37 ft-lbs
Rear Stabilizer Bar to Arm Torque Spec 16 ft-lbs
Rear Wheel Hub Torque Specs
Rear Wheel Hub to Knuckle Torque Spec 85 ft-lbs
Rear Wheel CV Axle Nut Torque Spec 200 ft-lbs